For those of you wondering how I set up the Puppy Plinko interaction for Artie’s Christmas Surprise, I decided to do a video demo (below).
First, I added a visited state to all of the pups, then added a trigger to each oval that would change the state of the appropriate pup to visited when the animation for the oval’s motion path was completed.
Then, I added a True/False variable for each oval, and added a trigger to each pup to adjust the variable of the oval to True when the motion path animation for the oval completed.
Finally, I added a trigger to Jump to next slide once all pup states were visited AND all ovals are True.
Confused? Yeah – I know. I’m sure some of you guys would have done things differently, but if you want to hear my sometimes confused ramblings about how I set up Puppy Plinko (or if you need more information), check out the video below:
Video Demo – Artie from Ashley Chiasson on Vimeo.
I don’t know why, but I am always surprised when people use unique sizes/aspect ratios for their trainings. I’ll have to try this. I feel like it’s adds some visual interest and is unexpected. How did you settle on this size?