I was developing some neat emulations for one of my clients last week, when the client requested that I include an additional ‘feedback’ of sort to emphasize that the user must double-click if they merely single click during the emulation. Now, this wasn’t feedback-persay, so I didn’t include it in the feedback options, but I did struggle a bit getting the hotspot interaction to behave the way I needed it to, so I decided to do a little demo to explain how I had worked through this issue in Articulate Storyline.
To do this, I converted a screen to freeform (hotspot), and set up the feedback options to branch to the correct response and set the submission to behave on double-click. Initially, I had messed around with it by providing the correct hotspot and then putting a trigger on the base layer over the incorrect option, but then that would only show the prompt if the user selected the incorrect option – something that might not happen as often with 2 options versus 20 (as in the software). So to get the interaction to behave the way I wanted, I set up two hotspots in the convert to freeform editor: 1 large hotspot encompassing the entire screen, and 1 smaller hotspot encompassing the correct response. Then, I ensured the correct response was selected and saved.
When I returned to the development screen, I added a layer with some text “YOU MUST DOUBLE-CLICK!” and created a trigger on the base layer to display this new layer if the user clicks anywhere in Hotspot 1 (which in the convert to freeform editor was the incorrect hotspot which encompassed the entire screen).
On preview, we see that the screen now behaves the way I need it to. Single-clicking anywhere brings up the double-click layer prompt, double-clicking the incorrect option (in this case, Oliver, the dog) produces no response (in the software simulation, this brought up some feedback, but for simplicity, I didn’t include any feedback), and then double-clicking the correct option (in this case, Milo, the cat) takes the user to the correct slide.
Did my explanation confuse the heck out of you? Watch the demo, below!
Double Click Demo from Ashley Chiasson on Vimeo.
Thank you so much for sharing!! I love filing tips like this in the memory banks. I know I have had projects in the past this would have been handy.