Stock photos can easily become the bane of your existence.
What Are These Stock Photos You Speak of?
Stock photos are photographs taken and sold using royalty-free licensing, or creative commons distribution rights. Outside of these provisions, stock photos are typically licensed under specific usage rights. You can usually find a stock photo to suit any need within your e-learning. However, the stock photos you may be most familiar with are awful ones, like “woman smiling while eating salad”:
Click for a google image search
Within e-learning, you may have clients who provide you with stock photo options, or you may be asked to source stock photos. In the past, I’ve done this for many photography needs, such as: construction vehicles, stop signs, 18-wheeleers, businessmen and women in varying contexts (one the phone, in an office with a client, etc.).
There are many pay-for stock photo sites, but there are also some really great free ones. Whatever you chose to use, make sure your clients are on board ahead of investing in a subscription.
Yeah, I use some of them – pixabay is good in particular. Stock photos can really be a lifesaver, but one has to watch out not to rely on them too often – sometimes, you really need bespoke pictures, or otherwise the course is bound to look cheap, which does no favours for learners’ performance.