I already showed you how to use cue points and your timeline to easily synchronize animations in Storyline, so today I’m going to show you how you can use the same cue point functionality, paired with the audio play controls on the timeline, to synchronize animations with audio tracks in Storyline. Check out the video below!
Screencast: Custom Previous and Next Buttons in Articulate Storyline
Another screencast! It’s so nice I wanted to do it twice! Well – not quite. I’m going to try to screencast 3 times a week consistently, because it seemed to be a fan-fave. Today I’m showing you how you can quickly create custom Previous and Next buttons in Articulate Storyline 360. In this demo, I use Oval and Chevron shapes to create my buttons. You could make this one step easier if you’d like, and just use “<” and “>” text within your oval shapes and increase/bold your font. You do you!
Screencast: Use Your Timeline and Cue Points to Synchronize Animation in Articulate Storyline
Today is the last day of Screencast February, and it has been a huge success! 1 – Because I managed to screencast every single day without missing one, and 2 – Because all of you seemed to really enjoy them. I’ll definitely keep posting screencasts, just maybe with a little less frequency. Stay tuned!
In today’s screencast, I’m showing you a couple of ways you can use your timeline and cue points in Articulate Storyline to synchronize animations. Perhaps next time, I’ll add some audio in and I’ll show you how to synchronize animations with audio!
Check out the screencast below!
Screencast: Using Dockable Panels in Articulate Storyline 2 and 360
Today I wanted to show you one of my favourite ways of increasing efficiency when developing in Articulate Storyline 2 and 360 (sorry Storyline 1 users!). This is particularly useful if you have a larger monitor to work from. I tend not to use the docking functionality when I’m confined to my laptop. But if you have a large monitor or multiple monitors, this will likely be a huge sanity saver!
If I’ve peaked your interest, check out the screencast below!
Screencast: Adding Silence and Trimming Audio in Articulate Storyline
The following video shows how you can easily add silence and trim audio, using the audio editor in Articulate Storyline!
Screencast: Extend Slide Content Using Scroll Panels
The video below illustrates how you can extend slide content using scroll panels in Articulate Storyline!