First off, I want to apologize for the unanticipated hiatus that Screencast Monday and Terminology Tuesday has taken. I was travelling for what felt like three weeks straight, attending ATD 2016 and CAUCE-CNIE 2016, and then I got sick when I got back home. Oof!
But, today’s post is a little different. It’s about a new adventure I’m taking: Sprout E-Learning.
What is Sprout?
Throughout my instructional design and e-learning journey, many colleagues and aspiring instructional designers/e-learning developers have lamented the lack of professional development opportunities. Yes – they do exist, but often times they’re quite costly (e.g. conference attendance can run $1,500 plus meals and accommodations, industry certificates can be of comparable pricing, and formal educational opportunities are expensive and often aren’t as targeted as learners need). Through Sprout, my hope is to offer affordable and sustainable training solutions that are inform its learners and help them on their journey to become successful e-learning professionals.
I love instructional design and have always been passionate about spreading the word (a lot of people don’t even know it’s a career option!). In the past I’ve thought about teaching instructional design, but was intimidated by the prospect of having to find teaching contracts and the limited number of opportunities available in the traditional higher education system. Instead of letting that red-tape get me down, I’ve decided to use Sprout as a platform to share my knowledge with my audience!
Initially, Sprout will focus on teaching instructional design and Articulate Storyline courses. Both are topics I love and have a vast knowledge of, so it’s a great jumping off point. In the future, I hope to expand to additional courses.
I’m really excited about this new adventure, so please check out Sprout E-Learning and sign up to stay up to date on when it will launch!
Love this idea! very inspiring that you are beginning new chapters of your instructional design career. I am building my portfolio now and hopefully will began freelancing soon.
I have seen some of your work in the E-learning Hero community and it’s good stuff! I will definitely tune in.