Everyone – these past couple of weeks have been a whirlwind of activity! I’m so happy to announce that Mastering Articulate Storyline has been published, and is available for sale. Get your copy now!
It took quite awhile to write this title and get it published, but it’s finally finished, and I really think it will help Storyline users level up their existing skills. I was actually contracted to write Mastering Articulate Storyline way back in October 2014, but Packt also saw a need for Articulate Storyline Essentials, so we shelved Mastering until Essentials was finished, and then plugged away at completing Mastering.
In addition to being excited to teach Storyline users some more advanced techniques, I’m also excited that I no longer need to procrastinate! I mean, I’m sure I’ll find some way to procrastinate doing other things, but writing won’t be one of them!
The other really great thing about having released these two books is that they’ll be really helpful for those registering in the Articulate Storyline courses that Sprout E-Learning will be offering in the near future – if you haven’t signed up to hear more about sprout, sign up for the mailing list!
Other exciting things that have happened: The Articulate E-Learning Heroes Community Roadshow: Toronto was last week, and was a big success, and I found out that one of my sessions was picked up for DevLearn 2016, so it seems as though I’ll be getting to Vegas in the fall. I’m hoping to get back on schedule this week, so stay tuned, because you’re going to see a few posts appearing not on their regularly scheduled days.