Check out the screencast below to see how easily you can use FTP to upload Articulate Storyline projects to your own website.
Screencast: Adding Values Using Variables in Articulate Storyline
Check out the demonstration below to see how easily you can add values using variables in Articulate Storyline!
Screencast: Gate Screen from Start to Finish in Articulate Storyline 2
Hey folks! What are you doing on this lovely Friday evening? I’m recording screencasts! Today I recreated a gate screen I had previously created for an E-Learning Heroes Challenge, and I did it from scratch, so you get to hear all of ramblings that pop out of my mouth during the course of a normal interaction buildout.
I’ll apologize in advance for 1 – my scatterbrained thoughts and 2 – the bone you can hear my dog gnawing on. If you’re interested in seeing how I created this gate screen, check out the demo below!
Screencast: Quick Example of How to Use Motion Paths in Articulate Storyline
Today’s post illustrates a quick example of how to use motion paths in Articulate Storyline 2 or 360. This example uses only one motion path; perhaps tomorrow we’ll use multiple motion paths and create a traffic accident on our quiet street…you’ll have to stay tuned to see what we do tomorrow!
Screencast: Specify AutoRecovery Parameters in Storyline 2 and 360
Today I’m talking data loss…something most of us have likely experienced, and something I know I have certainly cried over.
Storyline 2 and Storyline 360 have an AutoRecovery function (sorry Storyline 1 users), and it has saved my butt on many an occasion. By default, the functionality is turned on/selected, but it’s always a good best practice to quickly check the Storyline Options when you begin a new project, and adjust the save time to your liking.
Screencast: Using a Button Set to Choose Course Avatar Part 2
Yesterday’s screencast showed you how to setup your Avatar button set, and today’s screencast is going to show you how to carry the selected avatar throughout your course, using 1 variable and several triggers.
The variable we used was a Number variable, set by default to 0. On the avatar selection slide, we created 2 triggers, one for each avatar; the female avatar would increase the variable value to 1 if selected, and the male avatar would increase the variable value to 2 if selected.
On the content slide (and any additional content slides your avatars appear on), we first set the initial state of both avatars to Hidden, and then we created 2 more triggers, one for each avatar; the female avatar would change from Hidden to Normal state, if the variable was equal to 1; the male avatar would change from Hidden to Normal state, if the variable was equal to 2.
If you want to see how this was done, check out the demonstration below!