Check out the video below to see how you can easily upload Articulate Storyline projects to Articulate Tempshare.
Screencast: Add Exit Course Trigger as a Player Tab in Articulate Storyline
Today I’m showing you how to add an Exit Course Trigger as a player tab in Articulate Storyline. Check out the screencast below!
Screencast: Make Your Toggle Switch Work for You in Articulate Storyline
Yesterday I showed you how to create a simple toggle switch interaction using states in Articulate Storyline. Today, I’m showing you how to make that toggle switch work for you. The first example uses the selected state and a trigger to show layer when the state is = to selected. The second example uses 1 true/false variable to create an on/off (or in this case play/pause) toggle for audio.
If you’re interested, check out the screencast below!
Screencast: Create a Toggle Switch Using States in Articulate Storyline
Today’s screencast shows you how to easily create an off/on toggle switch in Articulate Storyline using states. Tomorrow I’ll show you how to employe these toggle switches to control other elements of your slide, so stay tuned!
Screencast: Articulate Storyline’s Quick Access Toolbar
Today I am exhausted! – We had a bit of a blizzard here and I have done way too much shovelling for an entire winter. Initially I was going to apologize for the fast screencast, but I think using the quick access toolbar in Articulate Storyline can make your development process a lot more efficient, so today’s screencast is a good one to check out!
Screencast: Avoid Double Calculating Variables in Articulate Storyline
Over the weekend, I posted a throwback screencast, Adding Values Using Variables in Articulate Storyline, and one viewer commented saying this was all well and good, but how to we prevent continual calculation when the user click Calculate more than once. Today’s screencast seeks to answer that question.
In this particular example, the best approaches would be to add another variable, and then some triggers to change states to either Disabled or Hidden. If you were tracking clicks, you could add a variable, and then use subtract variable functionality, but for this particular example, that solution wouldn’t work well due to the data entry field. If you want to see what I’m talking about, check out the screencast below!