In this video, I’m sharing how you can easily export an image from Articulate Storyline. In this instance, I’m showing you how to export an image you created in Storyline for use as a profile picture.
Check out the screencast below!
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In this video, I’m sharing how you can easily export an image from Articulate Storyline. In this instance, I’m showing you how to export an image you created in Storyline for use as a profile picture.
Check out the screencast below!
In today’s screencast, I’m sharing a handy tip for changing image shapes in Articulate Storyline. I say handy, because you can very easily create circular profile pictures in this manner for use on social media platforms, such as Twitter/LinkedIn/Microsoft 365. This is also handy when you’re creating ‘faux tweets’ or chat exchanges in interactions you are building in Storyline because it helps you very easily mimic the profile images for ‘users’.
Check out the screencast below!
I’m going to start this screencast off on a tangent – WHY, Articulate, is Arial not one of the built-in font themes in Storyline? Why?! I mean, I know Arial/Verdana/Tahoma, etc. aren’t the most revolutionary fonts to use in a project, but it’s a unicode font – which is why I use it most frequently.
In any event – in this screencast, I’m showing you how to create a new theme font and change the theme font.
Check out the screencast below!
In this screencast, I’m showing you another tip when working with translations – particularly languages that read from right to left instead of left to right. It’s important to consider this to ensure you’re addressing the needs of your learners.
Check out the screencast below!
In this screencast, I’m sharing a handy tip for how to quickly replace all fonts in a project with different fonts. This is especially helpful if you have a client who has custom fonts they need added to an existing project, or if you simply can’t stand a font in a project and want to bid it adieu.
Check out the screencast below!
In this screencast, I’m showing you how to adjust your shapes and/or text boxes to shrink on overflow. This can be especially handy when it comes to translations as words in a target language are often shorter or longer than in English.
Check out the screencast below!