This year was the first year that I have participated in DemoFest through the E-Learning Guild. If you’re unfamiliar, they liken it to a science fair for e-learning projects. Basically, a bunch of demonstrators are set up around the grand ballroom with their projects, and they have two hours to pitch/demo the project to as many people as possible. Those people then vote for one project in each category, and I was BESIDE MYSELF with gratitude when they announced that the project I demo’ed had won Best Academic Solution!
There were a lot of cool projects in the category (I did some recon before we started), so I thought for sure I was going to lose out to one of them. I was so surprised that when they announced the winner, I was watching the stage waiting for the winner to present themselves (typical Ashley), when the folks beside me were like “You won!!! Get up there!”. I wanted to cry. Here are some photos of me being super siked and wanting to cry…and of the awards.
So you’re probably asking yourself, “what project did she demo?!” Let me tell you all about it! The project I demonstrated was one that I had worked on for the Addiction and Mental Health graduate program at Algonquin College in Ottawa. The course itself was Group Counselling, and I demonstrated two specific interactions we created and highlighted the different technologies that we used to achieve the outcome. The project itself launches next year, so we don’t yet have student data on overall experience, but the team and reviewers are happy with the product. Below, I’ll take you through a screencast illustrating what was done.
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