Podcasts are my kryptonite. I always need some form of background noise when I’m working, and podcasts are my preferred medium. I listen to a fair amount of comedy podcasts, but I also keep up on Learning and Development podcasts. Here are some of my favourites:
Dear Instructional Designer
Kristen Anthony has created a huge following with her podcast Dear Instructional Designer. So much so, that 3 different people have come up to me at conferences to discuss the podcast! There are many interviews with fellow Learning and Development folk (including myself – on episode 13), and she’s currently entering Season 3! A wide range of topics are discussed, and Kristen’s casual style makes this podcast very easy to listen to.
Trends and Issues
Trends and Issues Podcast is hosted by Abbie Brown and Timothy Green, authors of Essentials of Instructional Design: Connecting Fundamental Principles with Process and Practice. As alluded to in the title of the podcast, the hosts discuss emerging trends and issues in e-learning and instructional design. While not my all time favourite podcast (it’s a bit heavily weighted in VR/AR lately, which isn’t my thing), it’s still a very informative podcast to listen to if you’re in the L&D field.
The eLearning Guys
I’m familiar with hosts David Charney and Nejc Zorga Dulmin from e-learning communities and social media, so when I saw they were getting together to create a podcast, The eLearning Guys, I was really excited to listen. Both hosts are e-learning developers, so it’s always nice to have context from roles relevant to mine. The podcast is still in it’s start-up phase, only 6 episodes in, but they’re a good 6 episodes, so I’m definitely going to continue to listen!
The eLearning Coach
I’m always fan-girling over Connie Malamed. She’s super down to earth, and her podcast episodes for The eLearning Coach are relevant and easy to digest. She’s had some heavy-hitters in the L&D industry on her podcast, and I’m able to learn something new from most all episodes. She and her guests have a wealth of knowledge, and it’s important to learn what you can from your colleagues and peers, so this podcast keeps me engaged with the industry and eager to hear more.
Yeah – the “The eLearning Coach” – I value Connie Malamed’s opinions very much. The discussions under her posts also often happen to be valuable sources of info and ideas.
Thanks for having The eLearning Guys on your list! I need to make sure I check the others out!