2015 was a great year! Challenging at times, but still pretty solid. I learned a lot this year, worked with a ton of amazing clients, and I look forward to seeing where 2016 takes me!
2015 RECAP:
Let’s see how I did with my 2015 personal goals:
With that being said, my goals for 2015 are mostly personal goals:
Begin therapyto conquer my social anxiety (or at least learn how to cope with it);Maintain a consistent exercise schedule and run a half marathon in May(and possibly another in September);Take positive steps toward becoming the best version of myself I can be;Spend more time with my husband and our family; and- Travel to Europe with my husband, taking a proper vacation.
As for business goals:
- Complete both books and have them published;
Present and KILL IT at Learning Solutions 2015;Continue networking with colleagues I respect;Continue working with clients I respect;Conduct various workshops at the university and encourage growth within our distance offerings;Overhaul my portfolio;Participate more actively in the ELH Challenges;Continue blogging regularly; and- Begin authoring my third book.
Overall, I feel like I did pretty good with my 2015 goals – I also completed the Online Learning Consortium’s Teaching Certificate, 19 E-Learning Heroes Challenge entries and wrote 38 Terminology Tuesday posts. However, there’s still lots of work left to do in 2016.
2016 GOALS
Personal goals:
- Slow down and take more time to enjoy the present;
- Maintain a consistent exercise schedule;
- Rehabilitate my jaw;
- Spend more time with my husband and our family; and
- Travel to Colorado and Iceland with my husband.
Business goals:
- Slow down, take on fewer clients (than in 2015), and work on fostering long-term working relationships;
- Continuing networking with colleagues I respect;
- Speak at 1-2 e-learning events;
- Publish my 2nd book;
- Conduct more workshops and speaking engagements at the university, continuing to promote online learning;
- Learn a new skill;
- Participate regularly in the Articulate E-Learning Heroes Challenges; and
- Blog regularly.
You’ve done very good on that list! Only thing bugging me – why did you swap out Europe for Colorado? ; )
Hahaha. Well – we actually swapped out Europe for Iceland 😛 I have a good friend in Colorado that I’d like to visit this year!
Oh, okay ; ) Actually, a lot of Europeans themselves would like to visit Iceland, so it looks like you have quite a trip ahead!
Well done Ashley! And excellent goals for 2016… maybe Europe next year? Love to meet you in person!